Monday, December 20, 2010

Lindsey & Co.

2 weeks ago I had some expected and unexpected company and it was a much needed pick me up! You learn a lot about yourself when you live alone, and especially when you spend most of your time alone...which is a new thing for me. I already knew I was a social person, but living here in LA has really shed some new light on just how much human interaction---especially that of good friends means to me! 

I loved living in DC because it put me so close to my college friend Alicia, who's married to Bobby and is the mother to the cutest 1 yr old twins I know. It was nice to be a short drive from her for those few months and and I dearly missed her when I moved out here. Thankfully, her family gave her and Bobby their Christmas present early and sent them out to LA for 5 days. It was fun having company and showing off how much I know my way around LA. We packed a lot of fun into those few days! Of course we made a stop at In-N-Out burger as soon as they got off the plane, we went to the Jay Leno show (which I highly recommend, it's the best taping I've been to yet), got some sushi off Sunset Blvd. and then we crashed! Unfortunately, I had to work while they were here but we squeezed in a late show at my favorite comedy club (staying out that late after work, and then having to go back in for another 12 showed me that while I may look younger than 25 I no longer have the college all-night stamina!) and they ran all over town while I was gone. Bobby's favorite part was probably Madame Toussad's wax museum! I can't tell you how many pics he took their. Those wax celebs are so real looking it's scary! I loved having a shopping buddy to help spend my coupons at the Loft! I found this chic place for us to grab lunch and was SO excited to take them to Joan's on Third but it almost ended up being a REALLY expensive lunch as we walked back to the car to find an officer writing a parking ticket! I wish I would have taken a picture of the confusing parking signs so you could fully understand my parking dilemma. It was a packed side street and I was so excited to find a space, but then we made Bobby get out of the car to read the sign to make sure it was ok to park there. Let's just say, it was confusing. There was one sign reading "No Parking Anytime" and below it another saying "2 hour parking 8am-8pm" and another "No Parking on Sunday for Street cleaning"...needless to say, not the clearest YES or NO on whether we could park there. So here we are, walking back to the car and see a cop writing a ticket for my car. Me, being my verbal self, yells out "Officer, excuse me sir, that's my car!" and then I began to plead my case and throw in a southern twang to help verify my NC license plate! He wasn't feeling too sympathetic to my "I'm not from around here" plea but fortunately his partner was and took the time to ask me where I'm from and then to tell me that I don't belong here and that I should go back! (To which I agree). This second officer was so sweet, agreed that the signs were confusing, and finally convinced his partner to let me off with a warning and go in search of another car that they could ticket instead! He ripped it up right in front of me and I haven't received anything in the mail so I'm in the clear! What a relief! 

On top of having the Cox's, I also got to have dinner with some unexpected college friends! I don't even know how it all came about, but on Saturday night I found 5 friends from LU in my apartment! They came from all over: outside of LA, San Fran area, and various places in Virginia! Our friend Paul was nice enough to feed us girls! It was so nice to have company visiting in my apartment and sit around and see where we all were in life. Most of these friends I hadn't seen in over 3 years! 

Having all these friends here was such a blessing to me! I've definitely been battling loneliness here in LA. Most of the people that I meet are superficial in their offers of friendship, or are more interested in what connections you have. All these people I just wrote about could care less who I know or what I do, they simply enjoy me and that is such a great gift! 

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