Monday, October 10, 2011

My first Weekend in the Big Apple Part 1

Saturday I woke up to Jenn calling to ask if I'd like bagels in bed (she is really just TOO good to me!) We spent the next few hours catching up on her night at work, what we want to do in the city, and what's been going on since we left CA. I left the house around noon and just started walking north. I didn't have a very defined plan for my day but I wanted to just take my time exploring 5th Ave, Central Park, and Guggenheim Museum. To give you some perspective on how much I wandered, Central Park starts at 59th, about 20 blocks above me and it's 60 blocks tall. I walked all throughout the park, stumbling upon softball fields, great skyline views, ponds, Belvedere Castle, the Carousel, etc. The people watching is fantastic everywhere in this city!
Grand Central Station
Saint Pat's Cathedral

view from lower edge of Central Park
Inside CP
I love skylines
I really want to take a boat out in CP!
part of the castle in CP
After perusing the park I headed over to the Guggenheim Museum where it's free every Saturday night between 5:45-7:45. Sadly, most of the museum is under renovation and less than 25% of their collection was on display. One of the workers was kind enough to tell me that the reno should be done in early November so I will plan to go again. You aren't supposed to take pictures, but you know me ;)

This was an exhibit of $100,000 layered as wallpaper. Probably the only time I'll ever be close to that much $$$!

After the exhibit I strolled back down towards Murray Hill and met up with Jenn and Michaela post their college football funzies. We then headed south to meet up with some of their friends at an Irish pub...what they forgot to tell me is that we were meeting REAL Irish people there! The music was great, the accents were authentic, the Magner's Cider delish, the new friends were fun...Can't wait for some more good times there!

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