My last week included dinners out after work with friends and coworkers and squeezing in one last...
*visit to Duke's
*bagel from Vic's
*mani-pedi with accent nail :)
*walk down the Highline
*walk to work passing both a Starbucks and Dunkin' (that really is "the life")
*view of Midtown from my apt windows
*doorman chasing down an off duty cab for me
*stroll through Central Park
*LWL (Ladies Who Lunch) in Bryant Park w/ KC & Adline
*impulse buy from C.Wonder in SoHo (orange polka-dot dress, doesn't every girl need one?)
*street vendor scarf purchses
*Coney Island adventures with Jenn
Thanks to my sweet doorman who hailed that above mentioned off-duty cab I made it to the airport on time for my first class flight back to North Carolina. And thanks to Jenn, I had a yummy Nutella snack to munch on as I drank out of a real glass cup during my flight! Melody was so gracious to pick me up, and some sweet man had a big cart and loaded up my bags to take to her car. I was only in town briefly but am so thankful for the chance I had to catch up with several friends at Lynnwood Grill. (I can't believe I didn't take any pictures, sorry!). My dad came down and met me with my car, we ran to the DMV and got it renewed then I headed further into the South...or should I say "backwoods" of Southern WV for my cousin's wedding. Let the culture shock of country life begin!
we might have almost lost a hat on the Wonder Wheel |
from the pier at Coney Island |
last brunch @ Peels |
Bye Bye Manhattan! |
crazy how big CP is! |
there's my old 'hood |
first time eating oysters with my FL girls! |
Bryant Park lunch date |
she's so hipster |
always so hard to choose a color |
definitely leaving with more than i came with! |
i don't think i had a bad meal in this city! |