Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Saying Goodbye to NYC

My contract at NYU ended on May 19th and it was very bittersweet to leave. I'd made a new family out of my coworkers on the PICU and CVCCU. I'd met wonderful non-nurisng friends (Dave, Adline, & KC just to name a few). I'd found a great community at the Gallery Church. I'd made some unbelievable memories and wasn't sure if I was prepared for a "slower paced" life outside of Manhattan, but at the same time I needed a break. I needed to slow down. Yet there was still so much to do and see and somehow I'd not managed to fit it all in during 7+ months!

My last week included dinners out after work with friends and coworkers and squeezing in one last...
*visit to Duke's
*bagel from Vic's
*mani-pedi with accent nail :)
*walk down the Highline
*walk to work passing both a Starbucks and Dunkin' (that really is "the life")
*view of Midtown from my apt windows
*doorman chasing down an off duty cab for me
*stroll through Central Park
*LWL (Ladies Who Lunch) in Bryant Park w/ KC & Adline
*impulse buy from C.Wonder in SoHo (orange polka-dot dress, doesn't every girl need one?)
*street vendor scarf purchses
*Coney Island adventures with Jenn

Thanks to my sweet doorman who hailed that above mentioned off-duty cab I made it to the airport on time for my first class flight back to North Carolina. And thanks to Jenn, I had a yummy Nutella snack to munch on as I drank out of a real glass cup during my flight! Melody was so gracious to pick me up, and some sweet man had a big cart and loaded up my bags to take to her car. I was only in town briefly but am so thankful for the chance I had to catch up with several friends at Lynnwood Grill. (I can't believe I didn't take any pictures, sorry!). My dad came down and met me with my car, we ran to the DMV and got it renewed then I headed further into the South...or should I say "backwoods" of Southern WV for my cousin's wedding. Let the culture shock of country life begin!
we might have almost lost a hat on the Wonder Wheel

from the pier at Coney Island

last brunch @ Peels

Bye Bye Manhattan!

crazy how big CP is!

there's my old 'hood

first time eating oysters with my FL girls!

Bryant Park lunch date

she's so hipster

always so hard to choose a color

definitely leaving with more than i  came with!

i don't think i had a bad meal in this city!

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