Monday, April 25, 2011


After working Friday night (night 2 of 4) there is nothing more appealing about going home and going to bed...except for free pancakes!

Each Saturday at 8:30am an occupant of the Bungalow gladly awakes and makes pancakes (from scratch) for any and all who come by. It sounds a little too good to be true, but it's not. Since I worked last night I was actually a little too early, so I tried to stall for an hour before heading over. Things were a little behind schedule when I arrived and they (Rob and Michelle) allowed me to help them out in the kitchen. It was great just spending time with this couple as we all did our various tasks, Rob being the lead role of host and master pancake maker. I really enjoyed this downtime with them and asked Rob what prompted this weekly event, and his answer was that he was looking for a community similar to what he had at home with friends and decided he needed to do something about it. I love that sort of attitude. He has built quite the community gathering each Saturday---I've yet to interview his roomates to see how they feel about all these people coming over so early (one joined us, the other didn't). "So early" is anytime before 9 am on Saturday (in my opinion) in case you were wondering :)

Theoretically, Saturday morning pancakes was my version of a "fun Saturday night" since I was working nights this wkd. I'm really glad I was able to spend time with this community of new friends since I was out of town the wkd before, and also since I'd miss Easter Sunday with them due to sleep/work. Again, another reason I'm thankful to be in Cali: friends!

p.s. aren't you proud of how short this post is?

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