Monday, September 24, 2012

Back to London

Monday 9/24

Before leaving Munich Tonya and her mom made a trip to the Harley store and I opted to have a lazy morning of recovery from all our fun the night before. During this time the maid showed up earlier than planned and was trying to kick me out. I was in the middle of packing up and tried to explain but she only spoke Portuguese and German so there were lots of hand motions involved! Fortunately T's mom was all packed up so I wheeled her suitcase into the hallway, then grabbed all of T's clothes and attempted to pack them so the maid could get started on cleaning the bedroom and linens. T and her mom came back not too long after this madness started and we got things packed up and headed to the airport.

We had heard the subway ride was really easy and opted to save our $ (a 60 Euro cab ride). We made it there with plenty of time and grabbed lunch before checking in. We flew with German Wings and surprisingly we had a ton of legroom (yes, I know I already have more than average since I'm so short) and they had really good food! We had a plane change in Cologne, Germany and I almost didn't make it through the Passport Control station. Maybe I look like some International spy??? After a bit of delay we finally boarded the plan and landed in London around 10pm. We then had to take a train, to then take the tube, to then walk a mile home! Needless to say we were exhausted, and it was so nice to be back "home" for a few days!

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